Selected publications:

Chu, B.B.*, Liao, Y.C.*, Qi, W., Xie, C., Du, X.M., Wang, J., Yang, H.Y., Miao, H.H., Li, B.L., and Song, B.L. (2015). Cholesterol transport through lysosome-peroxisome membrane contacts. Cell 161, 291-306. (*equal contribution)

Other publications:


Liao, Y.C., Fernandopulle, M., Wang, G.Z., Choi, H., Hao, L., Drerup, D.C., Qamar, S., Nixon-Abell, J., Shen, Y., Meadows, W., Vendruscolo, M., Knowles, T., Nelson, M., Czekalska, M., Musteikyte, G., Patel, R., Stephens, C., Pasolli, A., Forrest, L., St George-Hyslop, P., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., and Ward, E.M. (2019). RNA granules hitchhike on lysosomes for long-distance transport, using annexin A11 as a molecular tether. Cell 179(1), 147-164.

Liao, Y.C., Pang, S., Zhang, W., Shtengel, G., Choi, H., Schaefer, K., Xu, C.S. and Lippincott-Schwartz, J. (2023). A Mechanism for ER Exit Site Delivery Into Lysosomes Involving COPII, ALG2 and ESCRTs.

Chu, Choi, H., Liao, Y.C., Yoon, J.Y., Grimm, B.J., Lavis, L., Singer, H.R. and Lippincott-Schwartz, J. (2023) Lysosomal release of amino acids at ER three-way junctions regulates transmembrane and secretory protein mRNA translation. bioRxiv 2023.08.01.551382; doi:

Liao Y, Wei J, Wang J, Shi X, Luo J, Song BL. The non-canonical NF-κB pathway promotes NPC2 expression and regulates intracellular cholesterol trafficking. Sci China Life Sci. (2018) Oct;61(10):1222-1232. doi: 10.1007/s11427-018-9339-0. Epub 2018 Aug 7.  

Luo J, Liao YC, Xiao J, Song BL. Measurement of Cholesterol Transfer from Lysosome to Peroxisome Using an In Vitro Reconstitution Assay. Methods Mol Biol. (2017); 1583:141-161. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6875-6_11.  

Xiao J, Luo J, Hu A, Xiao T, Li M, Kong Z, Jiang L, Zhou Z, Liao Y, Xie C, Chu B, Miao H, Li B, Shi X, Song BL. Cholesterol transport through the peroxisome-ER membrane contacts tethered by PI(4,5)P2 and extended synaptotagmins. Sci China Life Sci.  (2019) Sep;62(9):1117-1135. doi: 10.1007/s11427-019-9569-9.